Saturday, February 25, 2023

Trust and Infidelity in Relationships

Why is trust important in a relationship?

As people are in a relationship, it is essential to be true and faithful to each other. This creates trust and the ability to rely on one another. Throughout a relationship, this trust can be built to last and be leaned upon in hard times. Trust also helps you be more open and willing to share with your significant other. I have seen this in my life. My parents are very trusting of each other. When hard times come, they are able to stop and look at the problem and talk about their thoughts and feelings. This process helps them to understand where the other one is coming from and work together to solve the problem. This idea of working off of trust works for both romantic relationships and friendships. I have also seen it in my own relationships. With my best friends, I have had many examples of where trust has helped us grow together. I found it really hard when I moved to a new town, and that is where I met my friend. As I grew to know her, I was able to trust her more, and she trusted me. Eventually, she was having a hard time with other people in her life, but she trusted me enough to open up and share her feelings. Sharing is a great way to build trust. On the other hand, keeping secrets from one another is a great way to lose that trust and ruin a relationship. 

What can cause this loss of trust?

There are lots of things that can cause a loss of trust. Gaslighting or manipulating someone psychologically is a great way to lose that trust. This is because they may no longer appreciate the other, and as they are manipulating them, they are trying to hurt the other in specific ways that are not obvious. Another way to ruin trust is through behaviors that do not match the words or promises they make. However, one of the main factors that will break trust is infidelity. There are a couple of different types of infidelity, and each plays a destructive role in a relationship and to trust. 

What is infidelity?

Infidelity is the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner. As people are in a relationship, they expect their partner to be loyal and faithful to them, but infidelity is when they break that promise or expectation. Most people only think of physical infidelity when it comes down to types of infidelity. However, there is more than just physical. The main three I will touch on are: physical, emotional, and financial. 

What is physical infidelity?

Physical infidelity is when one person in a relationship goes and has an intimate relationship with another person. It also has to do with fantasizing about others in a sexual way and looking at inappropriate images. There are many examples of this in our daily lives. This idea that fantasizing or looking at pornography is okay and normal when it is not. There have been studies that show the more sexual partners a woman has, the less likely she is to bond emotionally with people in a relationship. As for those who look at pornography in a relationship, they often think back to those images or scenes they have seen. All of these can ruin a relationship and really harm the other person in the relationship. 

What is financial and emotional infidelity?

Financial infidelity is a lot of lies. This happens when one person is using their money in ways they should not be and hiding it from the other. As for emotional infidelity, that is when you rely more on someone else rather than your partner. 

What can happen to families in these situations?

Families can be ruined if infidelity comes around. Many of these situations end in divorce, which can be very hard on children. My aunt is in this situation with her husband. It started out with her husband committing financial infidelity, and then that led to emotional and physical infidelity. My cousins, in turn, have started to like their dad less and less because of how he treated their mom. 

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