Saturday, February 18, 2023

Engagement and married life

 What do proposals today look like today?

Today's culture is all about flashy proposals. There are many people who go all out and plan a big event with lots of friends and family to be there when they propose to their significant other. These big proposals can have a negative impact. Say the other person does not want to get married, but there are a lot of people around, and they may feel pressured to say yes. Or if they say no, it is humiliating for the person who proposed. I have a friend who this happened to. He planned this big event and invited his friends that were in town. As they were all at the park and watching, she said no, and it was hard for him. Detailed proposals can also cost a lot of money, and sometimes it is even to show off to others. Without concisely thinking about it, a big proposal could say, "Look what I have, and you do not." There can be good things about a big proposal, but most of them have more negative aspects. 

If that is today, what did they look like before?

Not very long ago, proposals were these individual and special interactions just between the two planning on getting married. My teacher, Brother Williams, shared the story f how he proposed to his wife. He had his grandma help him quilt a blanket that said, "Will you marry me?" He then took her on a picnic and had her open the blanket. It was not this huge ordeal. They were not surrounded by all of their friends and family. It was just them, yes, he had help putting it together, but in the end, it was just them. Proposing to someone was not showing off but was an intimate experience. 

After you are engaged, what should planning a wedding look like?

A lot of people plan weddings with their friends and often leave out the other person in the relationship. For example, if the lady plans the wedding with her best friend or her mom, she will build a stronger relationship with them. This is because of the stress that comes from planning a wedding. Instead of working through the problems together, she will rely on her mom or best friend to help her. I have seen this in many instances. My sister planned a lot of her wedding with her best friend for a while. This did not put a lot of distance in her relationship with her husband. However, she did spend a lot of time with her friend rather than her fiance at the time. This happens quite a bit and can cause stress in a relationship. When you plan a wedding with your significant other, you are able to problem-solve together. Working together to plan a wedding can help a relationship later in life. As they are figuring out problems, they are able to build good habits and can use them for future trials in life. 

What happens after people get married?

Looking at the wedding and how it was planned can be one predictor of how things can go. Returning to the example of when the lady plans the wedding with her mom or her friend. When this happens, and a problem comes up later in the marriage, she will turn to her mom instead of communicating with her husband. It often can lead to more stress and trials in the relationship. All of these problems can easily be solved by working out issues with a current or future spouse. Communication is an important thing in marriage and how you can solve trials that come to you.

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